Fundamentals of Pathophysiology
Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology is designed
specifically for nursing and healthcare students,
providing a straightforward, jargon-free, accessible
introduction to pathophysiology. Highly visual and
written specifically for students, the second edition of
this best-selling textbook provides clear explanations
of the anatomy of the human body, and the effects of
disease or illness on normal physiology. To make study
easier, the book includes learning outcomes, a range of
activities to test learning, key words, end-of-chapter
glossaries, and clinical case scenarios, and is
supported by an online resource centre with further
activities and exercises. Key Features: * Superb full
colour illustrations, bringing this subject to life *
Full of extra features to help improve the learning
process, including key words, test-your-knowledge,
exercises, further reading and learning outcomes * New
case studies throughout to help you understand how to
apply the knowledge in clinical practice * Supported by
an online resource centre at
with fantastic extras for both lecturers and students,
including an image bank, interactive multiple choice
questions, true/false exercises, word-searches, glossary
flash-cards, label-the diagram activities, and more!х.
Формат -chm |
Объем файла- 6,06
Пароль для открытия документа:
Surgerycom |
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